New details of the largest GTA 6 leak have emerged

20 September 2024
Diana Golenko

A well-known GTA fan YouTuber, Mors Mutual, has published a tweet revealing new details of the GTA 6 leak in 2022. Recall that at that time, many videos with early gameplay of the game were leaked online, and the hacker himself was later sent for compulsory treatment.

He recently released a video on his YouTube channel, The Most Secretive Gaming Company, in which he talked about how Rockstar Games manages to keep its developments secret from the public (with varying success). After the video was published, one of the studio's employees contacted him, shedding light on some details of the leak from two years ago. He confirmed that one of the Rockstar Games India developers opened a phishing email from a hacker, which led to the theft of data.

By the way, this department of several hundred employees worked on just one map of the state of Leonidas. This gives us an idea of ​​how big GTA 6 will be.

Earlier, publisher Take-Two confirmed that GTA 6 is still scheduled for release in the fall of 2025.

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