Let No Man Put Asunder — quest walkthrough in Red Dead Redemption

In this guide, you will learn how to find Harling's runaway wife and where to find a missing man named Peter in Red Dead Redemption.
Before you can complete this quest, you need to help Bonnie and complete the "Obstacle in Your Path" mission. Miss Horlick suggests looking for her future husband Peter in the Armadillo saloon.
Head to the saloon to talk to Harling. He has information on Peter's whereabouts, but he wants compensation before he'll talk. You'll need to find the man's wife who ran away the day before.
You will find Harling's wife across from the saloon, on the porch of the station. You can either threaten her or tie her up and take her back to the saloon. Either action will result in -100 Honor points.
Nathan will tell you that Peter should be at the cemetery in Cholla Springs. Arriving at the cemetery and finding a grave with the name Peter, you will realize that he died from a blow to the head about 20 years ago. It becomes clear that Alma Horlick is delusional and going insane.
- +100 Honor points — if you pay the musician;
- -100 Honor points — if you convince the musician's wife.
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