We Shall Be Together in Paradise — Red Dead Redemption Mission Walkthrough

23 October 2024

This mission involves escaping the country. This guide will show you how to safely reach Mexico in Red Dead Redemption via ferry with the Irish.

Before starting this mission, we recommend buying plenty of medicines. Head to the location of Irish, marked on the map.

You will see Dickens and Irish, talk to them and watch the cutscene. Since the Irishman has good connections on the southern border, he agrees to take you there.

As soon as you start sailing, be prepared for a bandit attack. Shoot back and protect the Irish from death, otherwise, the mission will fail. Successfully eliminating all enemies and reaching the Mexican shore, you will find two horses waiting for you. Mount one of them, and the mission will be considered complete, and you will receive +75 points to the Fame parameter.

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