Fans Discovered GTA Online Beta Files

5 August 2023

Fans have found a beta version of GTA Online. Its 2013 build contains various materials that were not included in the game on release. The removed content was recently published by GTAForums user BakeWithMe1000.

Beta Logo

Wasted Screen

The wasted screen showed what weapon you were killed with and where you received the lethal shots.

User Interface

The user interface of the beta version of the game was visually different from the final version. The RP scale, interaction menu and weapon display were designed in a different style.

The character creator also looked different, but contained similar features.

Calling for gang backups

The release version of the game did not include a feature to call for gang backup. However, in the beta version of the game, Lamar, Carter and Carlos were available to assist players during gunfights.

Special Crate Drop

In the GTA Online beta, players could get boxes that fell from an airplane. Probably they contained ammunition or GTA$.

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