After installing this mod, you will have the opportunity to play as James Cash in a mask.Installation path:Manhunt/levels/GLOBAL/CHARPAK
The mod carries over 4 four pervert skins from Manhunt 2.To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" from ermaccer.Unzip the archive and copy the “PervsSkins” folder to the “Manhunt/data/skins” folder.
The modification adds to the game Ryder (Lance Wilson) from GTA San Andreas.To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.Unzip the archive and copy the "GTARyder" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
A new author's modification that replaces the skin of James Earl Cash.Installation instructions inside the archive.
A new character model that replaces the main character of the game. Installation path: Manhunt/levels/GLOBAL/CHARPAK