Complete Russian dubbing by NoData
16 March 2025polnyjj-russkijj-dubljazh-ot-nodata_1742145874_577480.rar
NoData group released a full Russian dubbing of the famous action game after many years after the release of Manhunt. The team worked on the dubbing for a year and four months. The translation turned out to be very accurate, without a single drop of censorship. Everything is written as it was intended. The voice acting boasts quality actors, whose voices fit perfectly into the gameplay. And, as a cherry on the cake, the authors decided to make a translation of static textures, which shows how much attention they paid to the idea of localization of the game. It's beautiful!
“The process was very interesting and extremely arduous. We got a better understanding of the realm of dubbing, the realm of gaming, and even just life. But, the main challenge was the RIB file format. Remember the moment of Starkweiser's kicking out, the journalist's dialog with Innocent, etc., they were coded and we spent six months solving them, eventually solving files that players couldn't solve for 20 years. We translated all the cutscenes, gameplay, subs, but we didn't translate only the names under the health icon of the homeless man and the journalist, because it's even more confusing." — Transmits the director of dubbing.
Special thanks go to Lyova Karud and Kirill Drozdek, who did almost everything in this project. You will be sure of it when you will read below the list of people who participated in the project. Even the trailer was made by him.
- Director of dubbing: Kamil Khairullin
- Organization and quality control: Kamil Khairullin
- Cast and re-cast: Kamil Khairullin
- Producers: Kamil Khairullin, Lyova Karud, Kirill Drozdek, Pavel Bochkov, Igor Repeynik, Alexander Savchenko
- Pavel Bochkov;
- Denis Kudryashov;
- Dmitry Alimov;
- Denis Bobrovsky;
- Alexei Gnatiuk;
- Kirill Lakhno.
Full list and cast:
Editors and Fixers of Dubbed Dialogues:
- Kamille Khairullin
- Kirill Drozdiek
Sound Design and Audio Processing:
- Kirill Drozdiek
- Kamille Khairullin (minor adjustments)
Technicians and Programmers:
- Kirill Drozdiek
- Azamat Khakimov
- Sergey Tsarev
Texture Localization:
- Kirill Drozdiek
- Ellina Samsonova
- Kamille Khairullin
- Daniil Shredov
Dialogue Cutting:
- Kirill Drozdiek
Voice Actors
Main Characters:
- Cash — Andrey Everek
- Starkweiser — Andrey Barkhudaro
- Journalist — Anna Chintsova
- Ramirez — Kirill Drozdiek
- Pigsy — Alexey Kalikov
- White Rabbit — Viktor Kuzdets
- Cerberus Leader — Valery Besperstov
- Homeless — Guram Dzhishiashvili
Hooded Characters:
- Hood 1 (Duke) — Alexander Melnikov
- Hood 2 (Mike) — Arthur Ivanov
- Hood 3 (Crusher) — Alexander Khotchenkhov
- Hood 4 (Vince) — Dmitry Osipenko
- Hood 5 (Carl) — Nikolay Rukavichkin
- Hood 6 (Lenny) — Lev Karud
- Skin 1 (Stonewall) — Andrey Pirog
- Skin 2 — Igor Repaynik
- Skin 3 (Preacher) — Mikhail Belyakovich
- Skin 4 — Anton Morozov
- Skin 5 (Scalper) — Mikhail Onokhov
- Skin 6 — Mikhail Georgiu
- Innocent 1 (Orphaner) — Oleg Shimansky
- Innocent 2 (Kuka-Racha) — Andrey Everek
- Innocent 3 (Mr. Bunny) — Alexander Shurov
- Innocent 4 (Daddy) — Sergey Chikhachev
- Innocent 5 (Jules) — Alexey Kalikov
- Innocent 6 (Carlos) — Evgeny Lomovskoy
War Dogs:
- War Dog 1 (Suffocator) — Viktor Gribanov
- War Dog 2 (Veteran Shaw) — Maxim Kovalevsky
- War Dog 3 (Fox) — Mikhail Savelychev
- War Dog 4 (Armored Train) — Kirill Kalash
- War Dog 5 (Death Hound) — Gennady Novikov
- War Dog 6 (Reaper) — Ivan Taperechkin
- Grinner 1 (Mr. Bones) — Bebe
- Grinner 2 — Snikt
- Grinner 3 (Fag) — Makar Fyodorov
- Grinner 4 (Puppy) — Kirill Kalash
- Grinner 5 (Barry) — Stanislav Oleynikov
- Grinner 6 (Party Organizer) — Vasily Romaniy
- Cop 1 — Igor Staroseltsev
- Cop 2 (Adam 11) — Alexander Andriyenko
- Cop 3 (Sniper 1) — Kamille Khairullin
- Cop 4 — Dania Basila
Special Forces:
- Special Forces 1 — Nikolay Stepanenko
- Special Forces 2 — Valery Besperstov
- Special Forces 3 — Dania Basila
Police Dispatchers:
- Nadezhda Shin
- Elena Ponedelina
- Ekaterina Vdovik
- Cerberus 1 (Delta) — Alexander Savchenko
- Cerberus 2 (Bravo) — Evgeny Gurin
- Cerberus 3 (Omega) — Armand Baroyan
You can support the authors by card: 2202205077498803
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