Files for Manhunt
Black Shirt & Jeans with Gloves & Mask
New skin in black shirt, pants and black gloves complete with spider mask.
Installation instructions inside the archive.
Walrider of Outlast
The modification adds the skin of the Walrider from Outlast.
To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the "OutlastWalrider" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
Very Clean Skin
Default hair with facial hair removed and no scars.
Installation instructions inside the archive.
The Happyhills Homicide
Mod adds a new skin from the game The Happyhills Homicide.
To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unpack the archive and copy the "HappyhillsHomicide" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
Black Hair Skin
New black hair textures with facial hair.
Installation instructions inside the archive.
Psycho Smiley Cash
The mod turns Cash into a psychopath, a member of the Smiley gang.
Installation instructions inside the archive.
New skin texture
The mod adds a new skin gang model.
To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the "facha" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
Black Hair clean skin
New black hair textures without facial hair.
Installation instructions inside the archive.
Journalist Skin Pack
The modification adds 6 new journalist skins.
To install these skins you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unpack the archive and copy the "JournalistGangsSkins" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
Custom Prison Skin
New author's textures of orange prison clothes and blood on the shirt and hands.
Installation instructions inside the archive.