Files for Manhunt
Mixed Smileys skins
Pak skins smiling.
To install these skins you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the "SmileysPack" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
Now you can control a much better version of Piggsy.
Installation path:
Cerberus Leader
Now you will have the opportunity to play as one of the leaders of the Cerberus. Replaces Piggsy.
SCP-087-B (SCP Containment Breach)
The mod adds 3 skins from the SCP Containment Breach game to the game.
To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unpack the archive and copy the "SCP-087" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
The modification allows you to play for the secondary antagonist of the game. Replaces Piggsy.
Lionel Starkweather
After installing this mod, you will be able to play as Lionel Starkweather.
Mixed Innocentz skins
The modification adds 18 innocent skins.
To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the "InnoPack" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
Myers Cash
The modification adds a new skin for Manhunt.
Installation instructions inside the archive.
candy cane
Candy Cane.
The mod adds a candy cane to the game.
To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the .dff and .txd files to the "Manhunt/modloader/Extra Weapons/" folder.
skull kid
The mod adds the Skull Kid skin to the game.
To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the "NewgroundsSkullKid" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.