Files for Manhunt
Ryder from GTA San Andreas
The modification adds to the game Ryder (Lance Wilson) from GTA San Andreas.
To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the "GTARyder" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
Slappy from Dead Rising 2
The mod adds the Slappy skin from Dead Rising 2 to the game.
To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the "Slappy" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
Tommy Vercetti (Casual/Bank Job)
Some Pervs skins (Manhunt 2)
The mod carries over 4 four pervert skins from Manhunt 2.
To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" from ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the “PervsSkins” folder to the “Manhunt/data/skins” folder.
Camhedz and Bearsy
The modification adds two skins to the game - Camhedz and Bearsy.
To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the "CamhedzBearsy" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
General Grievous skins
The mod adds the skin of General Grievous and his 4 weapons to the game.
To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the "GeneralGrievous" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
Adam from Dead Rising
The mod adds the skin of the clown Adam from the game Dead Rising.
To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the "AdamClown" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.
CJ from GTA San Andreas (2022)
The modification adds skin CJ (Carl Johnson) from GTA San Andreas.
To install this skin you will need "PluginMH" by ermaccer.
Unzip the archive and copy the "GTACJ" folder to the "Manhunt/data/skins" folder.