Skins for Manhunt 2 - 177 files
Wardogs B
The modification adds 3 new skins of war dogs.
Unpack the archive and copy the .mdl and .tex files to "Manhunt 2/global/", if necessary, replace them and make a backup of the files that you will replace.
Lionel Starkweather
Vinnie Gognitti skins
Mod adds 2 playable skins of Vinnie Gognitti.
Unpack the archive and copy the .mdl and .tex files to "Manhunt 2/global/", if necessary, replace them and make a backup copy of the files you will be replacing.
Bunny Slippers
Judy Sender
The Jury
The modification adds 9 new playable jury skins.
Unpack the archive and copy the .mdl and .tex files to "Manhunt 2/global/", if necessary, replace them and make a backup copy of the files that you will replace.
Clearer Flashback Daniel textures
The mod improves Daniel's textures. The textures are taken from the PlayStation version of the game.
Unpack the archive and copy the .tex file to "Manhunt 2/global/".
Hoods M
Mod adds 3 new hood skins.
Unpack the archive and copy the .mdl and .tex files to "Manhunt 2/global/", if necessary, replace them and make a backup of the files you are going to replace.