Beta Level Ending and Death Themes
Drinze, Snowblake
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316.08 Kb
Total downloads: 16
Unique downloads: 14
10 August
The mod adds a new level score screen sound and a death sound.
The sound files were found in the files of the Wii version of the game.
The file name and description have been translated. Show original
(RU)Show translation
Beta Level Ending and Death Themes
Recommended files
11 September 2023
Manhunt 2

Beta Level Ending and Death Themes
The mod adds a beta version of the score screen and death scenes to the game, which were found in the "jumpattac" folder of the Wii version of the game.

316 kB
11 September 2023
Manhunt 2

Small menu tweaks
The modification adds a level preview and a project logo to the pause menu. Installation: Unpack the archive into the root folder of the game.

381 kB
19 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Beta and replace weapons
This weapon pack includes 5 weapons from the beta and 3 new weapons that replace the standard weapons.
18 August 2023
Manhunt 2

PS2 to PC BSP level Converter
The program allows you to convert levels from PS2 to PC version. Beta and Retail versions of the game are supported.

161 kB
10 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Beta Pervs Addon
The mod adds hunters from the beta version to diversify the enemies in the "Sexual Deviants" level. Added Enemies: perv3_B will be the first enemy instead of a copy of sm_B. gmp_B will guard the corridor instead of sm_D. sm_A and sm_E will r...

8 MB
17 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Beta Red King
Skins of the red kings from the beta version. They only appear in the Red Light mission. Their weapons are pliers and a baseball bat. Installation instructions inside the archive.

122 kB
7 September 2023
Manhunt 2

All Weapons in All Levels
The mod adds every weapon to every level, making any weapon available at any time. Also included are exclusive weapons such as a flashlight, mace and bait bottles. In addition, all executions work. Installation instructions inside the archive.
10 September 2023
Manhunt 2

Beta Pervs Add-on
The mod adds 4 new pervert skins from the beta version. Changes: "perv3_B" will be the first enemy instead of a copy of "sm_B". "gmp_B" will guard the corridor instead of "sm_D". "sm_A" and "sm_E" will replace the copies of "sm_B" and "sm_D"...

8 MB
11 September 2023
Manhunt 2

Refurbished beta Red King's face
The modification adds head and body textures from the beta version.

390 kB
15 September 2023
Manhunt 2

Best Friends - Beta Restored
Similar to the leaked PS2 beta, this mod replaces the pistol in the "Best Friends" level with a revolver. Executions with this weapon have been added as a bonus.

13 MB
15 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Play as Daniel in flashback levels
With this mod, you will be able to play as Daniel in the flashback levels without having to replace him from the first three levels. Installation: Copy the "global" folder to the root folder of the game.

3 MB
17 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Jeff Ridenhour Bloody (Level 4)
Mod adds to the game Jeff Ridenhor in a bloody jacket for level 4. Installation: Copy the files to the "global" folder, which is located in the root folder of the game.

1023 kB
17 August 2023
Manhunt 2

Leo's beta Skin
The mod restores the beta version of Leo that was present in Manhunt 2 Beta. Installation instructions inside the archive.

2 MB
22 August 2023
Manhunt 2

[MHT] Manhunt Toolkit - Levelscript Editor and more
Unpacking, replacing, modifying *.MLS, *,IFP, *.GLG, *.INST files from Manhunt 1 and Manhunt 2. Manhunt Toolkit, or MHT for short, is an open source toolkit written in PHP and published under the MIT license. Support for PC, PS2, PSP and WII.

3 MB
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