The Warriors Weapons Pack (VC)
Rockstar Toronto, Qwerty Van Hallen
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15.39 Mb
24 July 2023
Total downloads: 109
Unique downloads: 91
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24 July 2023sbornik-oruzhija-iz-the-warriors-vs_1690225933_713545.rar
The Warriors Weapons Pack
40 weapons in pack.
Models and textures has been ripped from the Xbox version.
Low Poly Models.
Low Resolution Textures.
Adjusted position in the hand.
Custom HUD icons.
Weapons list:
- Bat
- Copper Pipe
- Fury's Double Bat
- 3 Guitar's
- Nailed Board
- Barbed Wooden Board
- Plunger
- Salami
- 3 Chair Legs
- 2 Table Legs
Brassknuckle — Gold Brass Knuckles
Cleaver — Meat Cleaver
Colt45 — Starr Gun
- Broom
- Crutch
- Pool Cue
- Rake
- Shovel
- BBQ Spatula
- Crowbar
- Heavy-Duty Metal Cutters
- Lump Hammer
- 3 Pan's
- Wrench Plumb
Knifecur — 3 Knives
Machete — Machete
Molotov — Molotov Cocktail
Nitestick — Nightstick
Screwdriver — Broken Bottle
Bonus(This weapons is not used as weapons in game):
- Natural Broom from Chinese market level.
- Walkie from Trainyard level.
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