Joe Barbaro from Mafia II
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Total downloads: 149
Unique downloads: 137
26 November
Joe Barbaro-Mafia II
- Quality Model;
- Good textures;
- Movable skeleton.
Enjoy the game.
Recommended files
5 July 2014
GTA Vice City

Smith Truck from Mafia II
As promised, the Smith Truck envelope from Mafia II for GTA Vice City . Features: * Average model quality * Nice textures * Everything is well set up * Custom collision * Breakable parts: doors, front bumper, windshield * Own handling, default and c...
15 May 2023
GTA Vice City

Weapon Pack from Mafia: The City Of Lost Heaven
Weapon Pack from Mafia: The City Of Lost Heaven for GTA Vice City This modification adds to the game set of weapons from Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven. Includes: - Redesigned models; - HD textures of weapons; - No performance bugs. This mod has ...

1 MB
10 July 2019
GTA Vice City

Joe Leone from GTA 3
III Joey Leone for GTA Vice City! Features: - Full skeletal animation. - HD quality textures - The correct position of the weapon in the hands of - No bugs found

194 kB
18 November 2012
GTA Vice City

Tommy HD Skins
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2 July 2013
GTA Vice City

Tommy HD Skins v.2
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29 July 2024
GTA Vice City

Mini Weapon Pack from Serious Sam II
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2 MB
17 March 2014
GTA Vice City

Clothing from San Andres II
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3 May 2013
GTA Vice City

Mafia Vercetti
This is the third version of my mod "Bar". Now it's not just a bar in the basement, but now it's a whole mafia empire! Now instead of Pga and Pgb with bits and tech 9 there are real mafiosi with krugers and mini uzi!!! I made working doors to the bar...
28 September 2022
GTA Vice City

"AK-103 from WARFACE, for GTA-VC"
Hello users of the site LibertyCity.Ru and the entire Internet! I present to you my mod, an envelope for the game GTA Vice City!! titled "AK-103 from WARFACE, for GTA-VC". Adjusted the position in the hands, its own icon, in the style of GTA-VC wit...
1 August 2022
GTA Vice City

GTA3 Mafia Sentinels
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24 January 2018
GTA Vice City

mafia truck
Mafia Truck for GTA Vice City Modified Bolt Truck model from the Mafia game. The model has become a 3-axle. Has its own settings. Has 3 extras. Supports the main functions of the game. Have a good game!

1 MB
13 May 2018
GTA Vice City

95.4 KRhyme FM from Saints Row 2
Description: Direct envelope of the radio station from the Xbox version of Sainst Row 2. Station Name: 95.4 KRhyme FM Replaces station: WAVE Duration: 1:06:33 Music Genre: Hip Hop and Rap. Installation: 1) Replace the "FILE NAME".adf fi...
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GTA Vice City

Radio Stations from Saints Row 2
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23 July 2010
GTA Vice City

Icons from Manhunt
New save icon and extra lives!!! Instead of an ordinary floppy disk, a new one, and instead of a life bottle with pills from the game Manhunt Very cool mod! This is my 25 mod for gta vc!!! Envelope for gta vc Zero!(i) Off...
12 September 2010
GTA Vice City

Cholos gang from gta vcs
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