Russian voiceover of conversational radio
Russian voice acting of all spoken radio stations GTA Vice City VCPR (Vice City Public Radio) and K-CHAT!
The voice acting is monophonic, the female voice is slightly changed!
Vice City Public Radio (Vice City Public Radio, abbreviated as VCPR)
hosted by Jonathan Freeloader and Michel Montenius The station's only program is Pressing Issues, hosted by Maurice Chavez. On this show, certain problems of society are raised, which are discussed by the guests of the program together with Maurice. The program discusses the following topics:
1) Morality
2) Perception and positive thinking
3) Public Safety
K-Chat is a talk radio run by Amy Scheckenhausen, who broadcasts on it, namely, interviews Vice City celebrities.
Interviews were taken from the following persons:
Jezz Torrent
Michaela Karapadiz
Pat "Mr.Zoo" Flannery
BJ Smith
Claude Maginot
Installation (make a backup);
Copy the Audio folder with the replacement to the root folder with the game!
fast and easy
russkaja-ozvuchka-razgovornogo-radio_1675092600_819173.rarDownload (117.65 MB)Password: libertycity
- libertycity