Tommy Retextured (Claude-Style) for PC / Android
This mod will replace Tommy's textures with new ones in the style of Claude from GTA III. Maybe it doesn't really look like Claude, because these are only textures, but it kind of looks like ... This mod only replaces game characters, cutscenes are not supported, maybe next time I'll do it for cutscenes :)
I did not make all the textures in my mod, I took textures from several mods. There is no intention to demand and steal, all mods belong to their authors - not me.
To install, extract the file, open the folder to preview the texture. Open TXD Tool, find gta3hi.txt in the game directory, replace textures with new ones. Settings wizard:
No alpha
Fast overwrite
Correct capital letters
Check the texture
There is no intention to demand and steal instead of just sharing. Hope you can understand
This mod will replace Tommy textures with the new one in the style of Claude from GTA III. Maybe it's not as same as Claude because it's only textures but it's kinda looks like ... Not all the textures in my mod are made by me, I take the textures from several mods. There's no intention to claiming and stealing, all mod credit is to it's author but I'm not.
For Installation, Extract the file, open the folder to preview the skins textures. Open TXD Tool, search gta3hi.txt in the game directory, replace the textures with the new one. Settings wizard:
Without Alpha
Fast overwrite
Correct capital letters
Check texture raster harsh
Press OK, DONE!
There is no intention to claiming and stealing instead of just sharing. Hope you don't misunderstanding
Этот мод заменит текстуры Томми на новые в стиле Клода из GTA III. Может быть, это не совсем похоже на Клода, потому что это только текстуры, но это вроде выглядит как... Этот мод заменяет только игровых персонажей, катсцены не поддерживаются, может быть, в следующий раз, я сделаю для катсцен :)
Мной сделаны не все текстуры в моем моде, я взял текстуры из нескольких модов. Нет намерения требовать и воровать, все моды принадлежат их авторам - не мне.
Для установки извлеките файл, откройте папку для предварительного просмотра текстурки. Откройте TXD Tool, найдите gta3hi.txt в каталоге игры, замените текстуры на новые. Мастер настроек:
Без альфа
Быстрая перезапись
Правильные заглавные буквы
Проверьте текстуру
Нет намерения требовать и воровать вместо того, чтобы просто поделиться. Надеюсь, вы понимаете
This mod will replace Tommy textures with the new one in the style of Claude from GTA III. Maybe it\'s not as same as Claude because it\'s only textures but it\'s kinda looks like... This mod only replace the in-game characters, cutscenes not supported maybe next time I will make for the cutscenes :)
Not all the textures in my mod are made by me, I take the textures from several mods. There\'s no intention to claiming and stealing, all mod credit is to it\'s author but I\'m not.
For Installation, Extract the file, open the folder to preview the skins textures. Open TXD Tool, search gta3hi.txt in the game directory, replace the textures with the new one. Settings wizard :
Without Alpha
Fast overwrite
Correct capital letters
Check texture raster harsh
Press OK, DONE!
There is no intention to claiming and stealing instead of just sharing. Hope you don\'t misunderstanding
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