Beta Blista Compact (Blista GPX)
This modification replaces Blista Compact with the beta version. The model and textures of the car were found and converted from the game Manhunt (Another game from Rockstar) so that the model and textures in the game are displayed correctly. Installation: Open the gta3.img file in the models folder. Find the files blistac.dff and blistac.txd then replace them with the files from the archive.
This mod replaces the Blista Compact to the one seen in the beta. Car model and textures were found and converted from Manhunt (Another game made by Rockstar) to work in Vice City. Installation: Open the file gta3.img in the models folder. Find the files named blistac.dff and blistac.txd the replace them with the files from the archive.
Данная модификация заменяет Блисту Компакт на версию из беты. Модель и текстуры машины были найдены и сконвертированы из игры Manhunt (Ешё одна игра от Rockstar) чтобы модель и текстуры в игре отображальись правильно. Установка: Откройте файл gta3.img в папке models. Найдите файлы blistac.dff и blistac.txd потом замените их на файлы из архива.
This mod replaces the Blista Compact to the one seen in the beta. Car model and textures were found and converted from Manhunt (Another game made by Rockstar) to work in Vice City. Installation: Open the file gta3.img in the models folder. Find the files named blistac.dff and blistac.txd the replace them with the files from the archive.
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