Selling all cars to the El Gomo gang for a random cost (VC) v2.1
Selling all cars to the El Gomo gang for a random cost (VC) v2.1.
Updated to version 2.1 - added three new pick-up points for all vehicles and removed the wanted police.
Now you can sell any stolen cars (motorcycles, helicopters, boats and cars) to the El Gomo gang (coordinates in the screenshots and at the bottom of the description) at four points for receiving vehicles. After the sale, Thomas teleports to the Beach Hotel, after which you can repeat the procedure (the script is looped in both directions, so you can alternate points in any order).
Updated to version 1.2 (random money).
Now you can sell any stolen cars (motorcycles, helicopters, boats and cars) to the El Gomo gang (coordinates on the screenshots) for a random cost (1000-10000) dollars. After the sale, Thomas will teleport to the Ocean Beach Hotel, after which you can repeat the procedure.
The archive also added a version of the spawn of the evil El Gomo bandits (every 60 seconds), who are dissatisfied with the quality of the goods.
Bugs: not found. All names are fictitious, all coincidences are accidental. The script is completely rewritten by Alex_Simonoff, a script master, and is a remake of an old friend's script from Perm (only better).
Important! Drive boats onto land with a running start (since the reception point is located on the beach several meters above the water). The exact coordinates are 603.941 1210.179 16.095
cs file. drag along the example path
C:\Games\GTA Vice City\cleo
Author - Great and terrible Alex_Simonoff, distribution is free, everyone enjoy the game!
fast and easy
1606142748_prodvsekhmas.rarDownload (0.79 MB)Password: libertycity