New Epic Opcodes beta2
One of my previously unpublished (or published in narrow circles) works, many of which you can see in the video below (Russian subtitles are added to the video, a small demonstration of NEO beta2 takes place at 3:47):
For experienced scripters.
The plugin adds new opcodes. Despite the name, they are not that epic right now, but they will be!
Current list of opcodes:
hidden text 0E10: rotate_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR type 0 boneindex 5 angles 0.0 0.0 0.0 blending_time 500 freeze_time 2000 release_time 1000
- set the rotation of the actor's bone
0E11: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR type 0 boneindex 5 world_coords 1 rotation_to 1@ 2@ 3@
0E12: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR type 0 boneindex 5 world_coords 1 position_to 4@ 5@ 6@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0
- get the rotation and position of the actor bone
0 - InGame Actor
1 - Cutscene Actor
0 — local coordinates
1 — world coordinates
0E20: enable_vehicle 0@ flying_control_type 3
0E21: disable_vehicle 0@ flying_control
- enable/disable air transport control, like:
1 - rcbaron
2 - rcraider, rcgoblin
3 - skimmer
4 - ??? (like 5, but with minor changes, not used in VC)
5 - cheats airship & comeflywithme
6 - Heli
Opcodes 0E22-0E31 do exactly what they say:
0E22: store_object 0@ rotation_to 1@ 2@ 3@
0E23: set_object 0@ rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0
0E24: store_vehicle 0@ rotation_to 1@ 2@ 3@
0E25: set_vehicle 0@ rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0
0E26: store_actor 0@ rotation_to 1@ 2@ 3@
0E27: set_actor 0@ rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0
0E30: camera_on_object $666 mode 15 switchstyle 2
0E31: draw_hud 0
Some planned opcodes:
hidden text codes CarRec, ObjRec, ActRec
is_vehicle car
is_vehicle bike
is_vehicle heli
is_vehicle boat
is_vehicle plane
alternative to z_ground(processlineofsight)
taking screenshots without hud and other captions
auto components detacher (not sure yet, but maybe it will work out not only for the wheels)
rotate components auto(not 100%)
breaking breakable objects (such as glass)
attack/detach various entities to others, incl. — to the bones
repair car completely
remove actor bodypart?(not sure)
play mpg video
get camera direction vector
Get Camera position
Get Camera direction
get angle from vector XYZ store to XaYaZa
fast and easy
Password: libertycitynew-epic-opcodes-beta2_1690844954_384100.zipPassword: libertycity