BF Injection of GTA San Andreas (MVL)
21 July 20221527253278_bf-injection-sa.rar
Maybe it's a simple BF Injection, transferred from GTA San Andreas to GTA Vice City via MVL, as new vehicle. Actually, it's a basic car, with a little difference from its counterpart in GTA Vice City.
But MVL version has at least two unique points:
* It has its own (attention!) animation of entering and exiting the car. It is transferred from GTA San Andreas — Tommy Vercetti will jump in and out of the car, not just simply get in (P.S.: Animation is set up only for entering and exiting the car, when pulling out the driver there will be standart animation).
* Mainly it is found near the golf-club territory and is driven by the golfers (it is occured with my GTA Vice City that these cars have totally replaced Caddys, it's not the first time that happens).
Good luck.
P.S.: Sorry for my bad English.
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