Completed storyline
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Completed storyline for GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition
This save completed the main storyline. All major missions completed. This save is useful for those who do not want to go through the storyline or have problems with the game.
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Пройденная сюжетная линия
Пройденная сюжетная линия для GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition
В данном сохранении пройдена основная сюжетная линия. Все основные миссии выполнены. Данное сохранение пригодится для тех, кому не хочется проходить сюжетную линию или появились проблемы с игрой.
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15 November 2021
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

Save (Game 44% completed)
Features: - On account 140.354 thousand; - Purchased All Businesses; - Completed all tasks for Businesses. - All Missions Completed Except Phil(Box Bug) - Only Phil's Quest remains to be completed Save throw in: C:UsersUsernameDocumentsRockstar G...
16 November 2021
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

Gun Runner fast completed mission fix
Are you going to complete the game in 100 percent, but the Gun Runner mission is preventing you from doing it? No desire to wait for the release of a patch that may not solve the problem? Copy this mod into your game folder and the mission will be ...
22 November 2021
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

Fully completed game
GTA Vice City DE - 100 savegame Features: - 100% completed game - Completed all missions; - Purchased real estate; - Found hidden packages; - Completed additional missions.

124 kB
22 November 2021
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

100% Save "Game completed 100%"
100% Save for GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition. Features: - The game is 100% completed; - Completed missions; - This save file does not use cheats. Have a nice game!

121 kB
13 December 2021
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

Save before the mission "Keep Your Friends" - completed: 99%
Cap The Collector (GTA VC save file) Features: - There is a lot of money on the account; - Purchased all real estate; - Motorcycle riding, aerobatics, driving, etc.: 100%; - Replaces slot 7; - Cheats were not used; - Completed all additional tas...

124 kB
1 November 2022
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

1% Savegame – Completed all medic (ambulance) missions (unlocked infinite sprint) at the beginning of the game
A save file for those who want to have an infinite sprint for Tommy. In Vice City, you can unlock an unlimited sprint by completing 12 medic missions in one go. Those who can't complete all of these missions on their own or just don't want to wa...
17 March 2024
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

100% Save Game “Game completed 100%”
GRAND THEFT AUTO: VICE CITY THE DEFINITIVE EDITION 100 PERCENT SAVEGAME 100% preservation of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City The Definitive Edition. I hope you will enjoy!

123 kB
4 August 2022
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

Before the last mission
In this save walkthrough, the entire main storyline was completed without the last task. This save is useful for those who do not want to bother once again or are needed for other purposes. Have a nice game!

112 kB
15 November 2021
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

Save before the final mission
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy (Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Definitive Edition): Save/SaveGame (Before Ending) Features: - Save before the last mission; - On account of 50 million; - Purchased real estate; - Completed all real estate tasks. Sa...
16 November 2021
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

Classic radar and icons
Classic Radar Icons Remix for GTA Vice City Definitive Edition This mod is aimed at restoring the original appearance of the Vice City radar. This mod uses the already existing icons from the Definitive Edition and transforms them to match the orig...
16 November 2021
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

Fixing Impassable Mission on PC Gun Runner
The script fixes a bug due to which the Gun Runner mission could not be completed on PC. Now the boxes in it will break. Installation: move the folder to the root of the game from GTA Vice City - Definitive Edition.
17 November 2021
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

Save after the mission "Arms Dealer"
Save right after the Bug Mission with the Arms Dealer boxes - On the account 142.452 $; - Purchased all businesses; - Completed all business assignments. Mission completed on save from Lola_Kola_555, so she's the co-author of - It remains only to c...

7 MB
17 November 2021
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

100% saving
Saving 100 percent completed GTA Vice City: Definitive Edition. Passed without cheats or other tricks, only the Gun Runner mission fix mod was installed so that the game was completely completed. Installation: drop the file into "DocumentsRockstar ...
121 kB
18 November 2021
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

Conservation (100 percent)
One hundred percent saving for Vice City. Has all the achievements, 420 million (thanks to "Gone Crazy"), 200HP and armor, infinite run, Kaufman Taxi boost, helicopter in Vercetti estate, tank in military base and Hunter in Ocean Beach. The most im...
360 kB
20 November 2021
GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition

Saving one hundred percent
Save for GTA Vice City Definitive Edition. I completed the game 100% Features: - 200% Max Health - 200% max armor - Infinite ammo for all weapons. - Possibility to hire 3 bodyguards from the Vercetti mansion. - Double strength for any vehicle in wh...
121 kB
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