Save after the mission "Arms Dealer"
6 December 20221637115285_savegames.rar
Save right after the Bug Mission with the Arms Dealer boxes
- On the account 142.452 $;
- Purchased all businesses;
- Completed all business assignments.
Mission completed on save from
Lola_Kola_555, so she's the co-author of
- It remains only to complete the task from Phil
Save throw in:
C:UsersUsernameDocumentsRockstar GamesGTA Vice City Definitive EditionSaveGames.
Confirm the replacement of files: GTAVCsf1.sav and GTAVCsf9.sav and enjoy the game.
Сохранение сразу после Багнутой миссии с коробками «Торговец Оружием»
- На счету 142.452$;
- Куплены все бизнесы;
- Пройдены все задания по бизнесам.
Миссия пройдена на сохранении от
Lola_Kola_555, так что она соавтор
- Осталось пройти только задание от Фила
Сохранение кидать в:
C:\Users\Имя пользователя\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA Vice City Definitive Edition\SaveGames.
Подтвердите замену файлов: GTAVCsf1.sav и GTAVCsf9.sav и наслаждайтесь игрой.
Recommended files

Save before the mission "Keep Your Friends" - completed: 99%

Save after every mission

Save before the final mission

The sound of the end of the mission from GTA 4

Save "Take the Cannoli"

Save before the final mission with 99.9% progress

Before the last mission

Gun Runner fast completed mission fix

"Mission Passed" - enhanced HQ sound

99-100 percent retention

Completed storyline

Original voice acting without "Haitian" censorship

Conservation (100 percent)

1% Savegame – Completed all medic (ambulance) missions (unlocked infinite sprint) at the beginning of the game