In 1984 on V-Rock DJ Lazlo debuted. True, the newcomer had to endure bullying from his senior colleague and mentor Cousin Ed.
But time will pass, and two years later (in GTA Vice City ) Lazlo, having completed training at the school of radio hosts, will become the master of the air.
I will add: an amazing radio station! There are no weak numbers!
01-Dio - Holy Diver
02-Queensryche - Queen Of The Reich
03-Kiss - Lick It Up
04-Dokken - Breaking The Chains
05-Autograph - All I'm Gonna Take
06-Accept - Balls To The Wall
07-Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane
08-Krokus - Long Stick Goes Boom
09-Ted Nugent - Stranglehold
10-Ratt - Round And Round
11-Judas Priest - Electric Eye
12-Motley Crue - Looks That Kill
13-Quiet Riot - Metal Health (Bang Your Head)
В 1984 году на V-Rock дебютировал ди-джей Лазло. Правда, новичку пришлось терпеть издевательства со стороны старшего коллеги и наставника Кузена Эда.
Но пройдёт время, и спустя два года (в GTA Vice City) Лазло, пройдя обучение в школе радиоведущих станет хозяином эфира.
Добавлю: потрясающая радиостанция! Слабых номеров нет!
01-Dio - Holy Diver
02-Queensryche - Queen Of The Reich
03-Kiss - Lick It Up
04-Dokken - Breaking The Chains
05-Autograph - All I'm Gonna Take
06-Accept - Balls To The Wall
07-Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane
08-Krokus - Long Stick Goes Boom
09-Ted Nugent - Stranglehold
10-Ratt - Round And Round
11-Judas Priest - Electric Eye
12-Motley Crue - Looks That Kill
13-Quiet Riot - Metal Health (Bang Your Head)