48% completed (Story missions not completed)
Save Perfect Start Game for Android
Features of this save:
- Game completed by 48%;
- Not a single story mission completed;
- Bought some property;
- On account: $999999999;
- 150 health and 888 armor;
- Passed outbursts of rage: 35 out of 35;
- Found hidden packages: 100 out of 100;
- One arrest;
- Completed unique jumps: 35 out of 36;
- The twelfth level of the physician;
- The twelfth level of the policeman;
- Stores robbed: 15 out of 15;
- The tenth level of the pizza delivery man;
- Completed missions in "Hyman Memorial Stadium";
- Completed RC missions;
- Not used cheats during the passage;
- Crime rating: "Leader".
Save Perfect Start Game for Android
Особенности данного сейва:
- Игра пройдена на 48%;
- Не пройдена ни одна сюжетная миссия;
- Куплено некоторое имущество;
- На счету: $999999999;
- 150 здоровья и 888 брони;
- Пройдено вспышек ярости: 35 из 35;
- Найдено спрятанных пакетов: 100 из 100;
- Один арест;
- Выполнено уникальных прыжков: 35 из 36;
- Двенадцатый уровень медика;
- Двенадцатый уровень полицейского;
- Ограблено магазинов: 15 из 15;
- Десятый уровень доставщика пиццы;
- Пройдены миссии в \"Hyman Memorial Stadium\";
- Пройдены RC миссии;
- Не использованы читы при прохождении;
- Криминальный рейтинг: \"Главарь\".
Recommended files

Save after every mission

Full Russian voice acting

100% Walkthrough Without Death

Save 48% - Completed Game, Completed Some Business Missions

Completed 99% - Save before the last mission

Completed mission Destroyer

Completed storyline

Fix for the complete Russian voice acting from "Acrobat" (Android/iOS)

Raccoon City Stories (android)

Zombies City Stories v2.0 Mobile

Mission Loader

Timecyc from GTA Vice City Stories

Enemy gangs will not attack you

GTA: Vice City - Styled Stories Restyle