Files to replace Weapons Sniper rifle in GTA San Andreas - 631 files
X-MAS Sniper Rifle
Two weapons from Black ops
Two weapons from Black ops. L96A1 and crossbow. Texture quality is good. Well sits in the hand. They have their own icon. Have a good game!
Colt 45 and Chromegun from Saint Row 2
The file replaces the colt 45 and chromegun from Saint Row 2. Do not judge strictly this is my first work.
A pack of weapons from Resident Evil 5
A pack of weapons from Resident Evil 5 for Gta Sa.
100% working
-Textures of average quality.
-It sits well in Carl's hands.
-Supports all the functions of the game.
- Bugs are not noticed.
Far Cry 3 Weapon Pack
Barrett M98B
Barrett M98B to replace the standard! Terribly high textures and obscenely good model! Own icon, new sight. Three color options! So there are places to roam...
Knife and sniper rifle
This pack includes weapons from two different games. Left 4 dead 2 and Counter-Strike Global Offensive
Knife and sniper rifle.
*Medium texture quality
*Good hand position
*Custom icon
Have a good game!