Plot : The story begins with the fact that “GG”’s father, a lawyer, goes to the police on a rainy day to hand over incriminating evidence on the “so-called” - a group of hired killers who are guilty of many crimes against civilians. But on the way ...
RLGE v1.0 by The Real A.B for GTA San Andreas The author made this mod with the idea of getting the most photorealistic effect for GTA San Andreas, inspired by the Natural and Realistic mod for GTA 4 and Simple Aesthetics for GTA 5 Vosswar. Feat...
V Graphics for GTA SA! This mod will greatly improve the graphics and make them look like GTA 5 graphics! The load on your system will also increase, be careful! Authors: ENB Series and effects: XMakarusX, Boris Vorontsov, Marty McFly Widesc...
This is not just a reconfiguration of SA_DirectX, but a full-fledged mod created on its basis. Graphics and, most importantly, optimization have been significantly improved. I tried to make the graphics as similar to real life as possible. Feature...
Another attempt to transfer the legendary series to the GTA San Andreas engine. Uses the original geometry of Stalker levels, without mediocre mapping in the Map Editor (as in similar projects). Features: Location "Abandoned Village" (transfer...