Files to replace Weapons M4 in GTA San Andreas - 883 files
A pack of weapons from Call of Duty: MW 2
Good quality pack of weapons from Call of Duty: MW 2, some weapons with icons + sounds
M4 Chromergun
A mixture of the two most powerful weapons M4 and a shotgun in good quality in two versions.
М4 from Call of Duty — Modern Warfare 2.
Have a nice game everyone!
ACR with silencer
Silenced ACR with heart rate sensor from Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2.
It sits perfectly in the hand!
Have a nice game everyone!
New m4
weapon pack
A weapon pack consisting of 47 guns. Consisting of 14 pistols, 6 semi-autos, 17 assault rifles, 3 sniper rifles, 2 shotguns, 2 bazookas, 2 knives, and a machete. Medium quality weapon, ideal for SA-MP lovers.
ACR with underbarrel grenade launcher and scope
ACR with underbarrel grenade launcher and scope from Call of Duty — Modern Warfare 2.
M4 Arma
M4 with sniper scope and underbarrel grenade launcher from Arma game in good quality.
M14 Tactical
M14 in three high quality Black, Camo and Desert versions.