Files to replace Weapons Desert Eagle in GTA San Andreas - 619 files
M36 Chief Special
Resident Evil 5 Weapon Pack
Desert Eagle Car14
A high quality model of a modified Desert Eagl. Envelope from "Line of Sight".
- High quality model
- High quality textures
- The correct position in the hands of the character
Weapons Retextured and Colored Weapon Icon Pack V1 Final (1024x1024)
Model of a five-shot drum-type revolver.
- High quality model.
- High resolution textures.
- Correctly positioned in the hand.
AMT .44 Automag
Pistol model AMT .44 Automag
- Medium texture quality
- High quality model
- Correct placement in the hand.
IMI Desert Eagle
GTA Online weapons from DLC Arena battle
GTA Online [Arena War] Weapons
A new laser weapon that was added to GTA Online in the Arena Battle update.
All weapons are carefully transferred to SA and fit perfectly into the game world!
Collection of weapons
69's Weapon Pack - Collection of weapons for GTA SA!
- Qualitative model;
- High quality textures;
- Own icon;
- Correct placement in the hands.
Revolver Claire from the game "Resident Evil 2"
Claire Revolver From Resident Evil 2 V.10 for GTA SA!
- High-quality model.
- High resolution textures.
- Customized normal maps.
- The model is animated.