The series tells about the life of 3 friends - teenagers from Los Santos). This mission tells the events that happened 2 days ago, before the events of the "zero" mission) You will find out why Mike was beaten in the last episode)
Another story about the good old Sweet and Carl. This time they made a deal with ballas on top of a skyscraper... Cool mission (albeit a short one), I advise you to play...
Tempenny was framed this time! Ryder and Smoke got bold! They dumped him for money! Having sent the mafia, they want to kill him at the end! Good luck with the passage. PS Your "partners" will be a bit dumb to follow you! So watch out for them!...
Sweet made a deal with a farmer, but everything went wrong! Ryder and Smoke set Sweet up for the police! PS Carefully look for the cops at the skater playground!