Plot: due to problems at the military laboratory, an unknown virus broke out that turned people into zombies! the name of the main character Sem you are a commando and decided to save the city from an unknown virus! but besides the zombies, Mr. Wayla...
Here comes the first part of our global project ''Full DYOM''. This project includes the best DYOM missions ever made. Here you will see on the topic of mysticism, crime, and so on. Over 30 missions await you in this collection. DOWNLOAD EVERYONE!!!
Please do not judge strictly as these are my first missions. Mission 1: "Sword Master" This mission is rather long than difficult. In it you have to fight on katanas with one Japanese. It is quite strong and the head cannot be cut off. Mission 2: "Mi...
The first chapter of Claude's Ultimatum. It tells about the adventures of Claude in San Andreas. Each chapter contains three acts. Act 1. Bummer. Claude and KO are transporting a huge cargo of drugs from Liberty City to San Fierro to be exchanged f...
A little story about Claude from GTA3. The missions are made in the form of a half DYOM series, half of the text pauses. In one of the missions, you will even see the city of freedom (who did not know Liberty City).