VINCENT M3 GTR I painted the coloring from 0 in fsh, or rather outlined the original (it has a resolution of 512512 and looks blurry, pixels.) I made body kits according to drawings from google images. Therefore, it may not be in shape, but in size ...
I present to you Vincent in the style of the police LSPD. The car is designed to dilute traffic and is NOT amenable to repainting. Remained tuning support. Download and ride!
This car is a modification of the mod Vincent LSPD . In the first version of the mod there were unfinished doors and in some places the non-police color of the car was visible, although the car is in good standing on this site (+21 ratings among 23...
Vincent E34 for GTA San Andreas. Converted Vincent under BMW in the back of E34. Features: - SA style. - SA numbers. - New wheels. - Your shadow. - There are damages. - Customized collision. - Correct landing GG. - Textured bottom. - Textured hood....
This model is still the same standard Vincent from San Andreas, but now, by adding a couple of details, it has become more like a BMW, namely the BMW E30. In my opinion, these small changes (the radiator grille was changed, the rear remained unchange...