Vaz 2107 quality stock, AUTHOR -Yarovoi, Anzor, Priorovskih40. Many thanks to Lexamix for the injection engine from Izha, also thanks to my friend Maxim Tomilov for the Lada 2107 nameplate.
This "ZAZ" will seem familiar to everyone who played Stalker, but it was impossible to ride it in Stalker. I decided to revive it, there are 3 versions in the archive: 1: A simple ZAZ rumpled (that's how it is in Stalker) 2:ZAZ with dent fixed 3:ZAZ ...
Features: - Ideal quality of the model; - 3D Dvigraetl; - 3D Salon; - 3D Wheels; - 3D Trunk; - Looks good with ENB; - Painted in all colors; - Full stock.