New Admiral. What's changed: Interior (also door trim), wheels, suspension, etc Special thanks to user alex15081990 for screenshots. Download and ride to your health!
A pack of standard transport, consisting of 18 new cars and air transport. The peculiarity of the pack is that only those machines are collected here that you can go inside, in a word - Enterable. I assembled everything myself, especially for our LC...
In the comments to my last work, I found the idea to make a tuned cop-cart. But since our site already has Kop's Elegy, I took Jester. You ask - why the Russian police? I'll tell you - I also picked up this idea in the comments, only to the Soviet Su...
"The car first appeared in GTA TLAD, and now it will appear in GTA San Andreas." The vehicle was converted to the style of other cars, or as it is called differently - "SA Style". Install in gta3.img, but you can also use ModLoader.