The final version of the Military Truck, the same was done based on my old work. -New headlights - Kenguryatnik -Fixed LOD -SA numbers -Good old SA style -Workability in SAMP install both replacement and new ID A military tractor based on it is als...
2008 BMW M3 E92 Remake Distribution only with the permission of the author! Alteration only with the permission of the author! Features: -SA Textures! - Low Quality! - Damage! - 2 colors! - Replacement - Euros! - Steering wheel adapted to VehFuncs!...
Ford GT is one of the fastest bullet replacement cars. Top class. Well crafted model. All textures are great. In general, what is needed. Download, comment.
Hello everyone, friends, colleagues and guests of the liberty, after a long time, I decided to return to modding GTA SA and started by sharing with you this wonderful aircraft converted from GTA 3. This is a continuation of my previous work on porti...
Hello everyone. I present to you Vice City Bovver 64. I got this Bovver from GTA UNDERGROUND and inserted it into a regular game. Features: - Does not spoil the atmosphere of the game. - Good quality textures. - SA Style. - There is a model for And...
'89 Vulcar Horisont for GTA San Andreas The '89 Vulcar Horisont made by professional fired aircraft engineers special for consumer market. Only for 18999$* you get a Turbo-charged half of the V8 engine and great handling options that will always b...