Now in the mod you can see new texture files for cars. These are blanks for a future update, where I plan to add vinyls to them. I changed vehicles.ide a bit so that vehicles from the mod spawn more often. This change is not so big, you hardly even ...
The model has no adaptation to IVF and AMT modifications. Has adaptation to the HQLM modification (auto light). There are no damages and extras. The archive contains the setting for handling the machine.
Всем привет! Представляю вам машин Barracks. В состав входят: Carcer City Barracks, Vice City Barracks, Liberty City Barracks и Midway City Barracks. Эти машины я достал из GTA UNDERGROUND и вставил в обычную игру. Особенности: Не портят атмосфе...
Features: - Detailed model from GTA V without loss of quality; - Supports the main functions of the game engine; - Model adapted to the Improved Vehicles Features mod; - Tuning support; - 3 paint jobs; - The body can be painted in two colors; - The...