Very cool coupe, nice to drive. Fast, maneuverable, powerful. Features: Your own shadow; Goes great with ENB Series; Well-tuned handling. For proper operation of the machine's optics, you need to install High Quality Lights Mod Vers...
The model contains 91,763 polygons, including damage. Features: Working headlights; Realistic settings and appearance of the car; The car explodes when it hits the gas tank; Possibility of tuning in Transfender, support for CTP_2; Comp...
Stock model Lada Grants posted on the site at the request of people. The only thing I changed in it was slightly enlarged the wheels, as they seemed to me painfully small.
Car Features: All auto parts are working; All windows are shot through and knocked out; Working lights; Working suspension; Realistic characteristics. ...
Surely many of you have seen the series "Junkie Pavlik". And many people especially liked the car from this series, the OKAI car or simply "Squirrel". So I thought, why not make the same car for GTA. Similarity to the original ~ 90%, because salon he...