I'm posting here my latest work. After this car, I do not plan to do modeling. Meet Snezhana - A tuned version of "Boyar" by Maladoy, performed by me. It is painted in two colors, extra from the original "Boyarin" in the form of additional rear opti...
Features: - Beautiful body; - Detailed salon; - Supports all the main functions of the game; - Fixed some bugs; - The car goes well with the atmosphere of the game
Features: - Beautiful body; - Detailed salon; - Supports all the main functions of the game; - Fixed some bugs; - The car goes well with the atmosphere of the game
MTA SA Murat 131 Araba Scripti for GTA SA! Features: - Beautiful body; - Supports all the main functions of the game; - Fixed some bugs; - The car goes well with the atmosphere of the game...
MTA SA Mercedes Benz AMG Araba Scripti for GTA SA!
Features: - Beautiful body; - Detailed salon; - Supports all the main functions of the game; - Fixed some bugs; - The car goes well with the atmosphere of the game
Features: - Beautiful body; - Detailed salon; - Supports all the main functions of the game; - Fixed some bugs; - The car goes well with the atmosphere of the game
Volkswagen Caddy Magyar Rendőrseg for GTA SA! Features: - Beautiful body; - White coloring and police coloring; - Supports all the main functions of the game; - Fixed some bugs; - The car goes well with the atmosphere of the game...
CHEVROLET C.O.E. MODIFICADO Y SEMITRAILER DE ESTACAS for GTA SA! Features: - Beautiful body; - Detailed salon; - Supports all the main functions of the game; - Fixed some bugs; - The car goes well with the atmosphere of the game; - Includes tractor ...
The story of reworking cars for Hotring continues and, most likely, ends. Willard Faction Hotring - created in the image and likeness of a stock car based on the Buick Regal. Everything is as usual: rides, even fast, as well as painted in two col...