Model features: → Well-designed model from the game Forza Motorsport 4 → The model fits perfectly into the atmosphere of the game → 2 extras → Support for 2 colors → Support for CA-Number and CA-colors → Support for custom texture of burning headli...
Model features: → High quality envelope → Support for 2 colors → High-quality instrument lighting → The model fits perfectly into the atmosphere of the game → Support for SA Numbers → Support for custom textures of burning headlights → Fully workin...
A beautiful and high-quality model of the Chevrolet Aveo car in the modification of a taxi car. All headlights and taillights are fully working. Correct setting of side lights and brake lights. Breakable windshield and damaged elements with high-qual...
Good quality Mercedes-Benz C32 AMG Vossen 2004. HQ model, HQ interior, good handling, realistic headlights, SA numbers, good damage model, 2 interior colors to choose from (2 txd files). The model is compatible with the mod ImVehFt 2.0.2 (DK22Pac) ....
Ford Mustang of the Triple, which took part in the filming of the Triple Fast and the Furious, all the details of the body are worked out to the smallest detail, a very successful model. Features: - There are damages; - Qualitative model; - High-qual...
- High-quality 3D model; - Own shadow; - Realistic damage to parts; - Good interior; - Working calipers; -Realistic headlights; -Working rear lights; - Suitable for ENB; - Customized landing of the main character; - The model is adapted to the ImVehF...