Tommy in HD quality. Unlike the original, it is a little aged (like Tommy in the 90s) so it will fit perfectly into the atmosphere of San Andres or San Weiss =)
Artwork OG Loc. Features: - Based on OG Loc from official art. - There is an option with green color. - Skin of good quality. - The skeleton is configured normally. - No bugs found. Installation: og_loc.dff/txd rename as you wish...
Sports headphones for CJ. Replace glasses, you can rename files if you want to replace something else. Mod is not idiotic and made from scratch. With this mod you can listen to music in Sanka. Have a nice game everyone!!! Great Iceman Studio, 2012...
GG from GTA 5, it became possible to play for three characters from GTA 5, which has not yet been released, you can use them for your missions or just in the game through the skin selector play
Ezio Auditore de Firenze from Assassins Creed II is now in GTA San Andreas! Full envelope from the game!!! There is a small bug with a hood (only visible in the game). Replaces any ped in the game! I advise! The screenshot could not be posted due to ...
In general, after going through Vice City again, I decided to make Tommy Vercetti for Gta San. I did it for myself, but I decided to post it here (Suddenly someone needs it). No bugs seem to be found. I will ask some of the "characters" not to write ...
So I decided to make an envelope with a new game Tomb Raider, the developers certainly pleased with the quality of the characters, everything is at the highest level. I have converted Lara in four versions: Tombraider - Plain Pure Lara Tombraider + n...
Cursing for two hours and doing everything else and making this skin, I broke 2 mice, 4 keyboards and 2 monitors, but I did it. The skin of Vito Scaletta from the Made Man add-on. There are small bugs (Something pulls somewhere), but it doesn’t matte...
Skins for GTA San Andreas:Skins for GTA San Andreas: new clothes, boots, hairstyles, cellphones, tattoos, watches, decorations and skin collections for GTA San Andreas.