Greetings to all visitors to I present to you two skins: Flash and Reverse Flash. The models were extracted from the game "injustice_gods_among_us", by Joe Black. I did not see any bugs, my fingers do not clench when struck. Features: ...
Have you heard of the Explorer? The very first of the stalkers. The first to go to the Zone began to walk, and is still alive. They say it will take you anywhere. It’s another matter that it’s problematic to find it - it doesn’t put up posters with t...
Panda is now walking around San Andreas. * Giant panda, or bamboo bear (lat. Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a mammal of the Bear family with a peculiar black and white coat color, which has some signs of raccoons. The only extant species of the genus Ai...
This modification replaces the boxing mask with the Og Lok hat. This hat is available at the prolaps store. The author of this model is the Rockstars, and the modifications are AleksGTA. Have fun P.S. Made to order.
Pack of bandits from STALKER ZP. Initially replaces ballas. Installation: Option #1 select 3 bandits, rename to ballas1,2,3 and throw in gta3.IMG Option #2 replace other peds (similarly, only now you can select all the bandits and write the n...
Hello everyone. I haven't posted my mods for a long time. And so I present to you my ninja skins. They are made on the basis of the original character of the games, remade by me in 3d max and Photoshop, so as to fit into the atmosphere of the game. +...
Operator MARSOC (United States Marine Corps Special Operations Forces Command), dressed in camouflage overalls. Suitable for RP servers or for DYOM missions.
Skins for GTA San Andreas:Skins for GTA San Andreas: new clothes, boots, hairstyles, cellphones, tattoos, watches, decorations and skin collections for GTA San Andreas.