1. All crooked (ugly) prostitutes are replaced by aunts with a nominal face 2. All strippers are completely replaced (with Carl's naked girlfriends) 3. Most aunts start offering you sex services
This save file is only for GTA Anderius mod. Completed all story missions. Personally accumulated $909,436. All properties purchased. Only endlessly appearing optional missions remained.
Everything is like in the movie I'm a legend.. In the morning you can walk around the city but don't linger!!! When the sun goes down, monsters will come out and it's better to run, otherwise you're a corpse !!
A mod that replaces the standard clothes (green hoody and Eris T-Shirt) with a new one (Still Free Hoody and Am. Dream T-Shirt), graffiti is also changed, the rest is inside.
The mod replaces the inhabitants of Grove Street with samurai, and now you can see the real battles of the samruai on the streets, as the gang of ballas is replaced with ninja!