Upon learning of the death of Dennis Carradine (Uncle Ben's killer), Peter becomes embarrassed. He begins to torment himself with various questions, constantly blaming himself for everything. But he still decides to talk to Aunt May. At the same tim...
This CLEO script allows you to call air support, namely napalm (Hydras arrive and hit the horizon at the specified point) Installation: 1) Drop Napalm.txt and Napalm.cs into the Cleo folder; 2) Play, enjoy. Features: 1) Looks very solid for SA; 2)...
Description: This script adds a visual image (image) of the player. With this script you can change clothes, shoes, hats, glasses, accessories, watches, tattoos and haircuts of the player with a convenient visual interface. Changes in version 1....
Drugs are something that has been destroying San Fierro for many years. They are everywhere, and the rotten top does not want to deal with it. It seemed to be the end, but there are those who care. However, they do not live long, nobody needs honest...