Still, I could not resist and decided to make the fourth version, this time there will not be new versions for sure. What has changed: added music to their party, removed one actor, and simply rearranged the rest of the actors (but not all) and chang...
This is probably the latest version of my mod. What's new in this version: a black limousine appeared, more tracks began to play, it became possible to dance break dance and drink (there are two options: alcohol and energy drink, the break dance mod ...
So I made the second mission about the pro security guards. Here you can play as the boss. I had a glitch with dyom, so the first mission was deleted. I made it short. It tells that Ken and the boss ask the cops for help. It turns out that the cops w...
Version for 4x3 monitors! Scales Lada Priora SE 4x3 Version + Lada 2110 4x3 Version By popular demand, I made a version for monitors with an aspect ratio of 4x3 (1024x768, 1280x1024, etc.). It was tested only on 1 computer, and not by me, so I can n...
I decided to create a beta mission in DYOM at my leisure. If you haven't watched/played this mission in the "Things To Do In SA" mod, I advise you to do it first, and then download my mission. Beta fans will love it. One bug noticed: If you skip th...