They went to the farm for help, but there Gray came to his senses, and remembered that they had come to these places for the film, but it was too late ..
History: Nancy, Mark and Bill decided to take a break from the hot city. Heading to Las Venturas, they were forced to stop for the night. From the author: Most liked part 1. I hope part 2 repeats the success. Download and leave comments....
You have to play as a guy who was taken prisoner by pirates. Your brother is also captured with you, and you are looking for a way out from there. The mission is easy but interesting.
Well, as I promised, I made missions about Latin street 2. The main character is now Juan and his friend Miguel. Now they need to clean the ghetto from ballas. Have a good game! If you like it, then I will do more missions. Leave comments, ratings an...
Now tourists who come to Los Santos are afraid to even go to a motel! The famous maniac nicknamed - Mr. Mask! He killed quite a few people in San Andreas! You can go to the motel to kill mr mask!
Previous story: Bill found a member of the spec. S.W.A.T squad in the store near the gas station. Early in the morning they are going to get out of the city across the sea. Moving towards the pier, they found... This part is already longer. I'm s...
This is my first and very beautiful ENB. It differs from all previous ones by the presence of shaders. Features: *Nice DOF *Light blur *New timecyc *Shadow *Reflections on cars *Roads are now shiny and reflect light from lanterns thanks to ! shaders...
This mission is not like the others. Here you have to take a car with weapons to the base. But while the car was being unloaded, bandits came to steal this car. You must not allow this. Be careful when repelling an attack. Because snipers will occupy...