BSOR DLC Legacy - Outdated vegetation models from early major versions. DLS replace some of the vegetation in various catalogs. Packs are not full versions of the mod, because they can contain a varied amount of content, while in the full versions ...
AEK-971 - An assault rifle developed in 1978 at the Degtyarev plant in Kovrov under the direction of Stanislav Ivanovich Koksharov based on the system of Konstantinov, who participated in the 1974 competition. AEK-973 is its later modification....
The 10mm pistol is a modification of the Western Colt 6520 pistol common on the East Coast. The N99 replaced the obsolete N80 in 2051, and has since proven to be an excellent, reliable weapon, easy and unpretentious to handle and repair. Converted ...