Reinterpretation of the famous visual novel "Endless Summer" in DYOM. The main character of the story wakes up on a bus that takes him to the Soviet pioneer camp "Lion Cub". He doesn't remember anything. He will have to unravel the great mystery o...
In this mission you have to help your friends from Grove Street defeat one of the ballas. The most important feature of the mission is that there is not a single cut scene, you can see the entire text of the conversation at the bottom of the screen....
A black hat with an orange ornament, I have not seen it anywhere and decided to make it. Rate, comment Replaces - "capknitgrn.txd". If you have questions about installation - write.
This is the first version of my "Trees on farm" mod. This mod adds trees to the kite farm as well. There will be a second version soon, and there I will also add birdsong! ...
I present to you the first mission of the "Gang's Wars in SF" line. In this mission, you will learn about local gangs and their relationships. You will also have to disrupt the deal between the two gangs. The first mission is pretty simple. Although...
With the help of this script you can take photos from some planes and helicopters, and an aerial photographer mission is also available on Dodo. The script works on these machines: Dodo (+ sub-mission), Skimmer, Stuntplane, Maverick, News Chopper, P...
The story of an ordinary athlete who was running. He was always lucky from childhood, his every action led to even greater luck. But he was not proud of this, to the words "Lucky in life", "Freeloader in life" and others, he answered: "Do you think ...
Hello everyone, this weapon mod replaces a cane with a whole poker can you imagine? I don't ! The idea for the mod was suggested by Goldfish, many thanks to him. Features: - Good position in the hands (seen on the screenshots); - Does not spoil th...