Plot: The action begins with the prehistory of the yet unbuilt city of Las Barrancas in the southeastern part of Tierra Robada in 1865. Not far from the discovered oil deposits, with the construction of the railroad leading to Promontory (Utah) After...
Project name: At your own request. Original title: At His Own Request. Release date: 31th of December. Release year: 2018. Genre: Biography, Drama, Sports. Plot: Sometimes people decide for themselves how to manage their lives...
Improved Sweet house for GTA San Andreas Improved prelite for the suite's house and smoother arches. Also fixed the prelite of the front door. Update: Improved windows prelight at night Added 2dfx light Installation — move the folder...
A guy named Sam just arrived in Los Santos and immediately got into trouble. How did he deal with them? Play and find out. Made at the request of Niko Sniper, perhaps not what he wanted. Easy missions. Also a model of a soldier, found in the game fil...
FN SCAR (English Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle - a combat assault rifle for special operations forces) is a weapon system developed by the American division of the Belgian company FN Herstal to participate in a competition to create...
The old SupaSave supermarket has been replaced by a new, high-quality Fred Meyer supermarket. Good quality textures. Rate, download and comment. Have a nice game everyone!
This is the second and last part of Mike's Story. There's a lot more action here than last time! This is again a story about a village boy who does not cost anything to kill a person. Almost all missions have music. By the way, you are waiting for 2 ...
My first mission, please tell me the shortcomings, I will fix it. In this mission you will play for a group of terrorists. There are 3 people in the group, you will play for each in turn. The main task is to sneak into zone 69, grab a case and docume...
It is one of the seven mini-games in the "Wmysterio Games" series and its name is "Sokoban". Finally managed to move this miracle to the San Andreas engine and now the old and famous game will be available to everyone. The goal of the game is simple...