Genre: Thriller, Action, Mystery. Author: Haskay. Description: The story begins with Kevin, sitting in a group therapy session, talking about having outbursts of uncontrollable rage. An unnamed psychologist asks Kevin to talk about what has happened...
Features: -Texture made under the style of Gta 5. -Not tested in SA-MP, MTA. -Tested in ENB, CLEO, FastmanLimitAdjuster3.3. -Own icon. -Added desert_eagle to replace.
Hi everybody! I present to you the shotgun from the game America's Army: Proving Grounds. About weapons: *HD model and texture. *Normal position in the hand. *Muzzle shot. *Two options. *There is an icon. *Adapted to Normal Map by DK22Pac. Good ga...
In the base game, many one-way streets have yellow road markings which are unrealistic. This mod fixes the road markings on one-way roads by editing the .IDE files as well as adding new markings that are more realistic to replace those .txd pointers...
Sunbathing/Sleeping Animation This kleo script, will add a new sleep animation in the correct order. Controls: "TAB + 5" — Activation; "TAB + 2" — Deactivation. Enjoy the game. ...
Missions about a man named Max, he decided to join the Grove gang, but for a reason, of course, if he passes the test, then he will join the gang. Part 2 coming soon.