Good day! Not so long ago, I posted my mod - "New Radar". In general, everyone liked the radar, but there were a lot of sorties This is the 2nd version of the radar, changes: 1. The game no longer crashes when you get hit with damage. 2. When damage...
The action takes place in San Fierro, a certain Sally Novalsky rents an apartment from Carl Johnson. A fraudulent realtor falls on Sally's head, but Sally does not give up her apartment so easily and decides to deal with the realtor. But the realtor ...
The mission is about the destruction of the Ballas. You and Sweet travel to Glen Park and kill the Ballas army led by Smoke, Ryder and OG Loc. There will be enough ammo, hearts and armor for the entire mission.
Considering how some people didn't like my previous version of the "Conspirative hideout" script, I decided to make a new one. Here are all the changes: 1. Instead of red markers, yellow arrows will now show off. 2.Now you can save in the most "secre...
My first script was "CJ-Alchemist", but initially I wanted to make the katana appear with an effect, but then I didn't understand scripting much and couldn't put the effect. And now, after so much time, I remembered where I started from and made a se...