Genre: adventure, action. The prequel you (didn't) want. Plot: Six years before Fort Carson was besieged by CEO Carl Pierce and his Panther mercenaries, the city's biggest problem was the violent showdown between Bobby Big and MC Fort Carso...
Current Timeline: Panthers: Bloody Sunday | DYOM Panthers: Crime World | DYOM The Fort: Buck-L-Up (Prequel to "The Fort") | DYOM Carnage & Agents of E.D.E.N: The Peace Circle (You are here now) "The Fort" - Russian version in pro...
This plugin allows you to run GTA San Andreas, GTA Vice City and GTA 3 in windowed mode and with a working mouse cursor. Update 07/10/2022: Fixed "Alt" key opening the windowed menu (breaking gameplay). Added an .ini file with the mod's in...
A package of food from Burger Shot instead of a health pickup truck for GTA San Andreas Replacing a health pickup (heart) with a bag of food from Burger Shot, made for myself, a model from the original game files. Suitable for lovers of realism in ...
We present you an international Russian-Brazilian project! Myth_maker 2.7 (creator of myths and animals) A year and a half ago, the initial version of this mod 2.3 was presented. This version is very different from the old one. This is a conti...
[SA] Radar Map by wD.D159 (redrawn map) New HD version for the map of San Andreas, reimagined and recolored, very beautiful! This is a remake of the “Radar Redesigned/Recolor” mod. This is one of the very few radar map mods that has been redesign...