Mods for GTA San Andreas - 17407 files
Desert Eagle Car14
A high quality model of a modified Desert Eagl. Envelope from "Line of Sight".
- High quality model
- High quality textures
- The correct position in the hands of the character
Health Kit Pickup
- High quality model
- High quality textures
- No bugs
M14 (Normal Maps)
High-quality envelope of the M14 rifle model from "America's Army: Proving Grounds".
- High quality model.
-High quality textures.
- Correct placement in the hands.
M249 Light Machine Gun
Light American machine gun M249. The archive includes three options.
— HQ Model
— HQ Textures
— Supports Normal Map
Bowie M48
American Bowie knife model.
- High-quality, detailed model.
- High resolution textures.
- Correct placement in the hand.
Weapons Retextured and Colored Weapon Icon Pack V1 Final (1024x1024)
CheyTac Intervention
Model of a five-shot drum-type revolver.
- High quality model.
- High resolution textures.
- Correctly positioned in the hand.
AMT .44 Automag
Pistol model AMT .44 Automag
- Medium texture quality
- High quality model
- Correct placement in the hand.
The Terrible Shotgun
Shotgun model. Envelope from Fallout 3.
- High resolution textures
- High quality model
- Correctly positioned in the hands.